Thursday, May 16, 2024


Wendall -- every other Thursday

Like my protagonist, Cyd Redondo, I am a “carry-on only” traveler. 

We’ve all had airlines lose our luggage, either temporarily or permanently, but it was only in my twenties, after I was horrified to recognizes a few of my “scanties” circling the luggage carousel—the handlers had destroyed one of my duffel bags and only partially duct-taped it back together—that I decided never to check a bag again.

Who wants this, really?

This makes a lot of things easier, including checking in and arriving at my destination, not to mention reducing stress, but the downside is that it limits the kind of treasures I can bring back from my travels, both international and domestic.

The top of our fridge. The bottom is also full of commemorative magnets.

Since I am a Million Miler plus on American, this means I have an inordinate number of postcards, magnets, pens and hotel pads, jewelry, scarves, and coffee mugs.

When we moved last year, I found many of the treasures I was able to tuck away in my two pieces of carry-on and, even though the items in my hoard are small, they still conjure up the delight I felt when I found them, and also some sadness, since many of the places I loved—like the original Sahara Hotel or our favorite restaurant in Carpinteria, Sly’s—are gone. 



James and I stayed at the Sahara the weekend we got married. And many times after, until it was sold and ruined. This mug has been glued back together, twice!

Although there is still a decent restaurant in the old Sly's space, it's not the same. Glad we have the mug.


Also glad I have the mug from the London book store where I found most of the books I've used for one of my current works in progress.


The booksellers in Wildys deserve a medal.

Here are a few more mugs I've dragged home over the years.

One of my favorites, from the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.

We always try to get exhibition mugs. Particularly happy still to have the MOMA Picasso mug from '96 and the Titanic mug from Belfast.



And from concerts I've traveled to.

 Hotel mugs, always, if they have them.

I always stayed in the Niche Hotel in Newcastle when I lectured there.


And the Beverly Hills Hotel mug was a must, right?

I've been to Santa Fe many times, and have the mugs to show for it.

The mug on the far left features a Harvey Girl, from the exhibit in the New Mexico Historical Museum.

I've brought too many mugs home from England, but here are some of my favorites. The T.E. Lawrence mug from the National Portrait Library, the Lewis Chessmen and 250 year anniversary mugs from the British Museum, and a mug from my favorite store in Bloomsbury, Edwards and Todd.           

You can never have too many mugs from the British Library. Here's Alice Underground and one of my favorites from the Penguin mug collection.


What do you all bring back from your travels?




  1. Ah, I have the Penguin mug. My favourite mug says 'Annoy me and you're dead in a book.' I use them as pencil holders.

    1. Ha! Love the "annoy" mug idea. Yes, we have them all over the house, filled with pens, pencils, scissors, and even one with lipsticks. . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. From AA: I travel with lots of stuff. My friends who travel light (present company excepted) take a VERY superior attitude when they chide me about having to check luggage. I tell them that we all deal with their separation anxiety in own way.

    And then again, how does one pack in one carryon when the trip is 2 1/2 months long and requires clothing for Italy in January, London and tropical Africa in February, and everything from nights at the opera to safari game drives, All with two pairs of shoes?

    Statistically, only .05% of luggage is lost for good. I bring my stuff. So there!

    1. Ha! I take your point. I think the longest trip I've done with just two carry-ons is five weeks, so that might be my limit. But I'm all for everyone traveling in the way that makes them the happiest, so pack away, dear AA! xx
