Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Remembering Algot: A Tribute to a Beloved Equine Companion


Algot and me at Christmas 2023 (hence the “jingle bells")

Losing a beloved animal is never easy. It's like losing a part of your soul that only they could touch. This is a tribute to Algot, my dear equine friend, whose sudden departure has left a void in my life. I’ve been very quiet over the last two weeks since his death, but I’m slowly returning to normal.

This is Algot's “Where’s my treat?” look

The Bond We Shared

Transported from Sweden to the US when he was a colt, Algot was a Swedish Warmblood, known for their willingness to learn and their smooth gaits. He was more than just a horse; he was a rascally companion and a friend. At over 30 years old when he died (equivalent to over 90 in a human), he carried the wisdom of the ages in his eyes and the playfulness of youth in his spirit. For the four years we were together, we shared lovely moments. We performed tricks together, each one a testament to his intelligence and eagerness to please. Algot was incredibly smart, motivated by treats and affection, and always ready to learn something new or simply enjoy a moment of mutual understanding and silence. He taught me about patience and love.

The Shock of Loss

The manner of Algot's passing adds a layer of pain to this loss. It was sudden and unexpected, a reminder of how fleeting life can be. On a quiet Sunday morning at the Special Spirit ranch in Shadow Hills, I left Algot in what seemed like his usual robust health, only to receive a text hours later that he had been put down due to a sudden difficulty in breathing. The shock was profound. It was traumatizing not only because I lost a cherished friend but also because I wasn't there to comfort him in his final moments. The pain of not being called when he first showed signs of distress is something that I am still trying to come to terms with.

Grieving and Healing

The grief process is unique to each person, and for me, it has been a journey of remembering and reflection. I’ve had my good cry, so that’s over, even though I still tear up easily. Algot taught me more than just how to be a better handler or performer; he taught me about resilience, trust, and the unconditional love that animals bring into our lives. They love without hidden agendas, and their presence is a constant, comforting reminder of the beauty and simplicity of affection.

As I navigate through this grief, I find solace in writing about Algot, in sharing the stories and videos of our time together, and in the lessons he left behind. Each word I write, each memory I recount, feels like a step towards accepting his departure, though he will forever gallop through the pastures of my heart. At Special Spirit Ranch, he and I were the only pair who performed tricks. Many humans lack the kind of patience needed for this.

In Closing

Algot was more than just a horse; he was a joy and a salve. Any pain I had, physical or mental, vanished while I was with him. As I bid him farewell through these words, I remember the moments we shared--not only in the tricks he performed or the food he loved but in the quiet, profound impact he had on my life and heart.

For those who have loved and lost animal companions, let us take comfort in knowing that their spirits remain with us, in the lessons they taught us and in the unconditional love they showed us. Farewell, Algot. Thank you for every trot, canter, and gallop that enriched my life.



  1. Oh Kwei, what a wonderful tribute. Thinking of you and glad you shared Algot with us.

    1. Thank you, Wendall. I knew I adored him when he was alive and realized just how much when he was gone.

  2. Thank you for sharing this so eloquently. Gidget and I have been sad without your presences. Many warm and healing hugs as we navigate through this. You were Algot’s best dad, and he was lucky to experience that happiness and love with you and Eva.

  3. so very sorry
    He was very special
