Annamaria on Monday
My post-Bouchercon trip the length of Mississippi was
That lead sentence requires a digression. A lot of what I am about to say will come
across as implausible. I am worried that
you won’t take it as the unvarnished truth.
You see, I have a tendency to wax enthusiastic. More than one person has taken the passion
with which I speak as over-dramatization.
Not to say exaggeration. I feel
the need, before I go ahead with my story to let you know that, though I am
reporting facts, you may find all this a bit over the top. You
will make up your own mind, but in my own defense, I can offer this possible
extenuating circumstance: It is quite
likely that I was born exuberant, evidence of which is visible in this
photograph taken when I was just shy of fourteen months old—too young to put on
That said, here is what happened to the grown-up version of
that kid in the days following Bouchercon 2016.
I left NOLA on the legendary City of New Orleans. Contrary to Arlo Gurthrie, I traveled north,
and after six hours descended at Greenwood, Mississippi on the banks of the

It was not my first trip there. One of the most astonishing chapters is my
implausible life deals with my unlikely relationship with the Viking Range
Corporation, which is headquartered in Greenwood. It started in 1985, when David and I were
renovating the kitchen in our house on Waverly Place. Enthusiastic cook that I am, I wanted a
serious stove for my new kitchen. It took
three months of researching and cajoling before an architect friend came up
with the Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox of a flyer about a product called the
Viking range. The page showed a fuzzy
drawing and listed specifications that matched my wants. At the bottom was an address in Greenwood. I called the 800 number and spoke to Fred
Carl. I thought he was a salesman. In the course of placing my order, I advised
Mr. Carl that his company needed to make itself better known.

Little did I know that Fred Carl was the founder of Viking
and the designer of the first-ever professional range for the home. At the moment I called, discouraged after two
years of trying to get his idea off the ground, Fred Carl was contemplating
giving up to the whole effort as a pipe dream.
No one believed him that there would be a market for such a thing. My call provided him with a story to tell: a
woman from New York had placed an order and was sending him a deposit check.
In the course of the next thirty-plus years, during which
Fred’s invention revolutionized the kitchen appliance industry, I have from
time to time, described myself as the “patron saint” of the Viking Range
Corporation. I performed no miracles. But Fred and Margaret Carl have always
treated me as if I played a pivotal role in the birth of their business.
On my second trip to Greenwood, that treatment continued.
One of my Viking friends—Dale Persons—arranged for me and my
friend Marie Moore to do a signing at the lovely local store—Turnrow Books.
Marie is the author of a wonderful series of
travel mysteries, more about which
With both of us writing about exotic locations and sharing a warm
friendship, we made a good team.
event on Monday evening was a huge success.
An SRO crowd and many books signed.
Monday afternoon was what put me into Alice-in-Wonderland
territory. Viking’s president, Kevin
Brown, invited me to tour the plant.
Some of Viking’s employees who had been there from the beginning turned
out to greet me. Kevin took us around and
pointed out several improvements in production and product testing instituted
since my last visit ten years ago.
Marie and I found fodder for mystery writers in some of the
equipment—like the laser beam that can cut steel as if it were butter, right
out of the final scene of a James Bond flick.
We particularly like the oven that bonds porcelain to steel. What a way to turn a dead body to ashes. There are even hooks on which to hang a
It was fascinating.
Then Kevin invited me to the center of the factory floor
where he showed me the latest, top-of-the-line 48-inch range with a big blue
bow on it. “This is your stove,” he
said. I said, “No, my stove is not
exactly like this.” And I proceeded to describe the differences between the one
in my kitchen and the one before us. It
took Kevin three tries, and Marie and Dale chiming in, before he got it through
to me. He was giving me that gorgeous
thing as a gift!
I remain astonished.
The next morning, Marie and I traveled north. She gave me a tour of her alma mater, Ole
Miss in Oxford, and I enjoyed a wonderful stay at her home in Holly Springs,
where she introduced me to her husband and some of her friends. Believe me.
Truly. Southern hospitality is not just a myth.