Saturday, November 25, 2023

Iceland Noir 2023




Ahh, finally I’m back in a familiar time zone.  Uhh, or am I? Oh, well at least we’re back on the farm in time to tuck in the bears for a long winter’s nap.


As I wrote last week, we were in Reykjavik, Iceland for Iceland Noir which concluded on Sunday with a reception at Iceland’s Ministry of Culture (what a great place and wonderful Minister), and a late afternoon panel featuring co-authors Louise Penny and Hillary Rodham Clinton interviewed by Iceland’s first lady, Eliza Reid, in Reykjavik’s exquisite Harpa Concert Hall.  The official conclusion of the festival was followed by what’s become a traditional two-day road trip joined in by forty of us journeying out into Iceland’s fairy tale wilds.


Rather than bore you with explanations, I thought I’d pass along photos of our sixth Iceland Noir adventure as captured by Barbara.  There is no particular order to the photos, and I leave it to your discerning minds to pick out the authors captured by my lens master—and propose such captions as you consider appropriate (or inappropriate).  I think it more important to capture the vibe of the events and locales. 


And now on to the photos:







  1. What a great event! Those of us who missed it are very jealous...

  2. Love these photos, Jeff! Thanks for catching us up!

  3. What a harsh landscape. What a beautiful landscape. What's with the geezer that keeps blocking the view?
