Sunday, May 14, 2023

So long, and thanks for all the fish

A goodbye to Murder Is Everywhere


Zoë Sharp


Time is short and seems to be getting shorter by the day. The list of things I need to do grows, and the thing that seems to be squeezed out the most is the writing. Ironic, when that is – to use the kind of language found only in business meetings – supposed to be my ‘core activity’.


I’ve had eighteen months of health ups and downs, from which I am finally emerging. Not unscathed, but emerging, nonetheless. It has made me focus on what I want to achieve, and how best to go about this, and my inevitable conclusion was: something’s gotta give.


With great reluctance, I realised that that ‘something’ was my blogging efforts on Murder Is Everywhere. It’s been an honour and a privilege to count myself among the fine authors collected on MiE, but needs must.


I hope to continue to blog on my own website, and have even been offered the occasional guest spot by one or two of my friends on MiE. I shall take them up on that, gratefully, when the urge is upon me, and I feel I have something interesting to say.


Meanwhile I plan to use the time I gain productively. Otherwise, the sacrifice will hardly have been worth it. I’ve made some changes over the course of this year so far, but still have a long way to go.


So, in the words of the late, great Douglas Adams, ‘So long, and thanks for all the fish.’ Which, for those of you not familiar with his work, was the title of the fourth book in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. (Yes, I know, but just run with it, OK?)


It was the message left by the dolphins when they left earth, shortly before it was demolished by the Vogons to make way for a hyperspace bypass.


Somehow, it seemed appropriate.


This week’s Word of the Week is a conglomeration I heard during a radio interview recently – emanciated. It means to be free, but starving…


  1. Zoë, I have loved your posts and just want to thank you for sparking my curiosity for so many things and for all the energy and insight you have put into MIE. You will be sorely missed and wishing you every good thing going forward.

    1. Thank you, Wendall, and for all your kind words since joining this blog. They have been much appreciated.

  2. Oh, Ma-a-a-a-a-n... [checking calendar... nope, not April Fool's Day]. Damn. Well, let's see:
    1) Sorry to hear about your health travails.
    2) Happy to hear you're doing better.
    3) Sorry to see you (mostly) depart MIE.
    4) Happy you're seeing movement in the direction you want to go.

    Thanks for all you've written here, and looking forward to all you write 'elsewhere.'

    Fighting off a bad case of eremophobia...

    1. EvKa, your erudition is one of the many things about blogging here I will miss. Thank you so much for allowing me to be the beneficiary of it thus far.

  3. Sad about your news Zoë, but happy that you are moving forward to where you want to go. We will be looking forward to those guest posts...

    1. Thank you, Michael. Somebody once said we are walking backwards into our future. The past you can see laid out behind you. The present comes into view on either side. But the future is always out of sight, and you never know if the next footstep is going to take you onto safe ground or off the edge of a cliff...

  4. You are UNIQUE, dear Zoë...period, end of story. You have brought so much to all of us, both contributors and readers alike. I join them all in offering you the best in every way, and guest posts whenever you feel the urge. You will be sorely missed. :( Much love, J&B.

    1. Jelly & Bread? Jam & Butter? June & Beaver (it IS mother's day...)? No, no, don't tell me, let me guess, I know I can figure it out.

    2. Thank you, Barbara (oh, and Jeff, of course!) Your friendship is something I treasure.

  5. I will miss you so much, Zoe. I also understand the need to free up your time. Please come back to visit often. And come be with us at the conferences. PLEASE.

    1. Thank you, Annamaria. And don't worry, you don't get rid of me stalking you at conferences that easily. Just ask Ovidia, Caro, and Stan from last weekend at CrimeFest...

  6. Judith Baxter (via email)May 18, 2023 at 2:37 PM

    Oh Zoe, I’m so sorry to see you go. It was you who introduced me to MIE so many years ago and I have been a regular follower ever since. I will continue to read your blog whenever you feel able to put something in there.
    Meantime, do take care, sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies and do what they are telling us. And as you say goodbye and thanks for the fish.
    Most sincerely, Judith.

    1. Hi Judith, thank you so much for the kind words. And yes, sometimes you do have to listen to your creaking bones rather than your optimistic spirit! Zxx

  7. Ellen T. Miller (via email)May 18, 2023 at 2:43 PM

    Best of luck Zoe. You will be missed.

    1. Thank you, Ellen. How lovely of you to say so. Zxx
