Monday, July 1, 2024

My Thirty-Year Love Affair With "Shithole" Countries

 Annamaria on Monday

Here below is my post from January 2018, when then President Trump had bemoaned the immigration "only of people from shithole countries.".  This past Saturday, I commented on Jeff's post, which was a nasty indictment of President Joe Biden's presidential candidacy, based on about 23 seconds of confusion during a debate last week.  In my comment to Jeff, I referred to the post below from January 2018 and characterized it as "funny."  I brought it up because, I thought it was amusing in comparison to the tone of Saturday's blast on Biden,  I harkened back to what Jeff had said of  the words below when they were first posted. He asked me then to take down these words, because what I wrote was too "political" for MIE.  Citing my first amendment rights, I refused to do so.  Fast forward to this past Saturday.  When I compared my past "amusing" post to Jeff's long and critical one, he responded with: "You, humorous? Come-on , Sis, get real."

So here is that post of mine again.  I leave it up to you, MIE readers to decide.  Do you think this six-year-old sketch lacks humour.  Or is it amusing compared that dreadful rant from last Saturday?  Do I have to "get real" and stop trying to be funny?        

Norway is renaming itself in solidarity with the shithole countries

Stan calls him The SCROTUS.  Just this week my friend Ann Daniels gave him a new moniker: His Shitholiness--in honor of this past week's new low in Trump's presidential pronunciamentos: a declaration that some countries are shitholes.  (He would, he declared, rather that we bring in people of better countries, like Norway.)  Thereby, he vilified many of my favorite places.  And he inspired me to show you how happy it has made me, over the past thirty years or so, to visit sixteen of our sacred planet's marvelous, splendid "shitholes."

Take a look a these photos, arranged by continent.  Here they are--my favorite places that are NOT Norway:











Two of the smiling men in this photo are of Norwegian descent.  Neither one is
wishing he had gone to Oslo instead of Cairo




South Africa




I set out here. not to try, with my photos, to prove how wonderful these countries are.  Many photos better than mine are readily viewable on the Internet.  I want to show you how happy these places have made me and my friends.  All those smiles come from being in beautiful places where we found fabulous sites and great people.  True the citizens of the shithole countries are not all tall and pale like Norwegians, but I found the them to be fun, funny, warm, welcoming, and brilliant.

His Shitholiness is famous for not stopping to think.  But if we do, we will remember that Norwegians were the most dangerous, violent, destructive immigrants in human history.  In fact, one might conclude that they invented terrorism.

Just sayin'


  1. You do look happy in the photos. Someone's indeed being ignorantly unfunny and it isn't you (it's not Jeff either!)

    1. from AA: Thank you, Ovidia. Kind and accepting as you are. But Though Jeff ordinarily is too, last Saturday his post was ignorantly unfunny. Joe Biden is one of the greatest Presidents my country has ever had. His presidency has solved many problems , brought us through a worldwide crisis and done so better than any other struggling country despite a dissenting mob of spoilers trying to sabotage his every move with a tornado of lies. From people who want to destroy the US democracy. Jeff evidently thinks it’s good idea now to sabotage Joe because of one bad performance. And then Jeff insulted me because I disagreed. I am not joking now when I say that insulting people who disagree with you is classic Trump behavior. Jeff might say he was only joking, but saying “I was only joking” is also the classic Trump response when he is caught out.

  2. There was a brilliant response to the Donald from a Norwegian who explained exactly why people weren't rushing to the US to escape from Norway!

    1. Yes, I loved that six years ago. Being funny is much harder now.

  3. Sorry. I never click on links from people I don’t know. AA
