Illustration by Sam Kerr/The Guardian
Yesterday, at 4AM Friday morning Greek Time (7 hours ahead of New York Time), I awoke for the express purpose of watching the long hyped and much anticipated 90-minute debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia. It was billed as locking those current and former US Presidents in mortal verbal combat over Biden seeking to retain, and Trump driving to reclaim, the Presidency of the United States.
I never should have gotten out of bed.
As for why I feel that way, I doubt there is a literate soul on earth who doesn’t already know the answer to that question. Frankly, I don’t want to think about it anymore, but Saturday is my blog day and there’s no bigger story on the planet at this moment than that one. So, as a compromise to offering my own words and thoughts I’m offering those of David Smith, Washington DC bureau chief of The Guardian.
In his article published Friday, Mr. Smith refers to the debate as “90 miserable minutes of Biden v. Trump” all of which he aptly describes in the following unexpurgated version of his article as “In what felt like a Greek tragedy, Trump didn’t win the first presidential debate of 2024 – but Biden certainly lost it.”
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David Smith |
That sickening thud you heard was jaws hitting the floor. That queasy sound you heard was hearts sinking into boots. That raspy noise you heard was a US president embodying what felt like the last gasp of the ailing republic.
Say it ain’t so, Joe.
The first US presidential debate in Atlanta on Thursday was the night that Democrats went from “Don’t panic!” to “OK, time to panic!” After months of preparation and expectation, they got to the altar and suddenly realised they were marrying the wrong man.
In 90 miserable minutes, Joe Biden achieved two things that had seemed impossible. He lived down to expectations that were already rock bottom. And he managed to make Donald Trump sound almost coherent. Trump did not win the debate but Biden certainly lost it.
There was a suitably funereal silence as the president, wearing blue tie and flag pin, and Trump, wearing red tie and flag pin, entered CNN’s red, white and blue studio. This was the first presidential debate without an audience since John F Kennedy v Richard Nixon in 1960 (those two candidates had a combined age of 90; this time they had a combined age of 159).
Journalists in Atlanta were forced to watch on TV like everyone else. But the mutual animosity and contempt between the men exuded through the screen. It was clear neither was even thinking about shaking the other’s hand.
Democrats had been lulled into a false sense of security by Biden’s high energy performance at the State of the Union address. They expected Superman again. Instead they got Clark Kent in his dotage.
The crisis was clear almost as soon soon as Biden opened his mouth. His voice was hoarse and hard to hear. Clear your throat, man! His team later claimed that he had a cold. Or had he over-prepared?
Early on, he bumbled: “We have 1,000 trillionaires in America – I mean billionaires in America.” Then: “ ... making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the – with – with – with the Covid. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with ... ”
His voice trailed away. “Look, if – we finally beat Medicare.”
Trump pounced: “Well, he’s right. He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”
Trump is only three years younger, but is a creature of television. When Biden spoke, the former president, hair hovering above his head like a shiny cloud, could be seen frowning, pursing his lips or revving up for a reply. But when Trump spoke, the white-haired Biden stared into the middle distance, his mouth open, looking as feeble and frail as the democracy that now rests on his shoulders.
It was a Greek tragedy because the Biden campaign pushed for this debate, the earliest in history, to “drag Trump into Americans’ living rooms” and wake them up to the threat. They set rules, including muted microphones and no studio audience, that seemed to backfire and work to his opponent’s advantage.
The restrictions helped Trump stay relatively controlled and disciplined, at least by his own epically low standards. He did not constantly interrupt as he did in the first debate in 2020. He did not play to a crowd and get carried away with unhinged stories about sharks.
Not that Trump should be let off the hook. This was an unwatchable debate between an old man who could not finish a sentence and an old man who could not tell the truth. It was Rip Van Winkle versus Pinocchio.
Biden failed to push back on Trump’s lies. But so did CNN’s moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. This gave the impression of Trump’s falsehoods carrying just as much weight as Biden’s facts, especially to viewers who are just tuning in to the election. Expect Democrats to use this argument to deflect attention from their own man’s failings.
More than an hour after the debate, when most people had turned off and gone to bed, CNN factchecker Daniel Dale came on air and said Biden made nine false claims while Trump made 30. Trump’s included some Democratic states wanting people to execute babies after birth; the US currently having the biggest budget deficit ever; Biden getting a lot of money from China; no terrorist attacks during Trump’s presidency; Biden wanting to quadruple taxes; the US providing way more aid to Ukraine than Europe; Nancy Pelosi turning down Trump’s offer of 10,000 national guard troops on January 6; “ridiculous fraud” in the 2020 election; Nato going out of business before he became president; Biden indicting him; his tax cut being the biggest in history.
First impressions – and viral clips – are everything, so voters will forget that, as the debate wore on, Biden gradually became stronger on style and substance. He went for Trump’s character: “The only person on this stage who is a convicted felon is this man I’m looking at right now.”
Angry and glowering, Biden insisted: “My son was not a loser, was not a sucker. You’re the sucker, you’re the loser.”
And again: “How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties for molesting a woman in public, for doing a whole range of things, of having sex with a porn star on the night – and while your wife was pregnant? I mean, what are you talking about? You have the morals of an alley cat.”
Trump shot back: “I didn’t have sex with a porn star, number one.” An immortal line, never before uttered in a presidential debate. Carve it in marble!
Biden and Trump debated which of them is the worst president in history. And which is the better golfer. Trump boasted: “I just won two club championships, not even senior, two regular club championships. To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. And I do it. He doesn’t do it. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. He can’t hit a ball 50 years.”
Biden retorted: “Look, I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap, which, when I was vice-president, down to a six. And by the way, I told you before I’m happy to play golf if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”
Trump: “That’s the biggest lie that he’s a six handicap, of all.”
Biden: “I was eight handicap.”
Trump: “Yeah.”
Biden: “Eight, but I have – you know how many ... ”
Trump: “I’ve seen your swing, I know your swing.””
As Bash tried to interject, Trump said: “Let’s not act like children.” Biden shot back: “You are a child.”
Tellingly, once the horror show was over, it was Trump’s surrogates who flooded the “spin zone” at the media centre. Standing on a bright red carpet on what is normally a basketball court, former housing secretary Ben Carson said of Biden: “I really felt sorry for him. He struggled to come up with answers. He was trying to remember the things that they’d told him.”
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said: “I think President Trump was strong and coherent and I think President Biden was weak and confused most most of the time. What started out as a policy debate is turned into a capability debate ... It’s pretty hard to believe that President Biden can continue in this job.”
After a while, Biden’s surrogates emerged, including California governor Gavin Newsom and his beaming smile. It is still highly, highly unlikely he will be the Democratic nominee in November. But a little less unlikely than it used to be.
Thank you, Mr. Smith, and for the record, as I see it we’re in for a long hot summer before the Fall.
Thank you Jeffrey Siger for your post. I trust your opinion more than the political pundits in this 2- party the 2 Party Race. It is terribly sad for us Americans being limited to these poor 2 Party candidates because of their monetary, special interest groups.
ReplyDeleteIt's world wide dilemma, I fear.
DeleteWe think we're having a bad time with Ramaphosa, Zuma, and the GNU (Government of National Unity, not the animal). But right now, I'll settle for South Africa's problems...
ReplyDeleteI'll settle for the animal, Michael...uh, no, we already have one running.
DeleteYears ago, Bro, you scolded me privately for writing here a funny blog countering Trump when he called any country whose population is not lily white a shit hole country. Someone who read my blog complained to you that she disagreed with my political point of view, and she didn't think mine was a proper post for a blog for mystery writers. You agreed with her. You wanted me to take down my post. I invoked my first amendment right to freedom of speech and left my blog where it was. And then we continued to be good friends, which I hope we always will be. Your post today, unlike mine of the past, is not at all humorous. I resent your out-and-out taking sides against the person I believe is one of the greatest EVER American Presidents. I automatically grant you the right to freedom of speech. Even though I am profoundly disappointed, I do not ask you to erase your and your guests words. I will wait my turn to further address this question. See Monday!
ReplyDeleteYou, humorous? Come-on, Sis, get real. 😎
DeleteIt wasn't Jeff anyway, but David Smith. I don't think it's my place to comment on the details of US politics, but the issue is not having another (worse) four years of President Trump. Frankly, the rest of the world doesn't care that much who the alternative is...
DeleteThank you for posting this, Jeff. I would have to agree with everything that David Smith said. It is unfathomable that these are.our 2 choices. And I like Biden and think he is a good man who has done a decent job especially considering what he is up against. But, Biden's performance the other evening was alarming and one does question whether he is up to another 4 years. If Trump were to go back into office it will be the end of our democracy. Scary times indeed.
ReplyDeleteWhile the 'debate' was, indeed, a sad, sorry affair, we're still over 4 months to the election, which isn't all that long to folks OUR ages (well, I take liberty in grouping us together), but is a LONG time in an election cycle. Much can change, much can be forgotten. I'm not giving up the ship.
ReplyDeleteIn much of the world campaigning begins less than four months before the election. Our system, coupled with the Citizens United decision, could best be described as the Big Media Financial Benefit and Bonanza Reward System. So there clearly is enough time...and hopefully enough cash...for whatever Plan B may be.
DeleteI understand and agree (mostly) with your take on the debate. It was a disappointing performance for Biden that I’ve reconciled with as simply a bad day for a good man. Unfortunate but true. I choose to judge him by his last three years of actually running the country, and not by a 90 minute attempt to counter the nonsense spewed by Trump.
ReplyDeleteTrump’s performance on the other hand was exactly what we’ve come to expect - vile, scurilous, demeaning of anything and everything not Trump, including the entire country he wants to lead. It is so sad that such a pathetic creature of a human is even allowed to run for President, much less actually has people who support him (keeping this post and my response still in the mystery genre, because it’s a mystery to me). I don’t believe there was anything significant he claimed throughout his Gish Gallop verbal diarrhea that was true. And (sticking to the mystery) whoever Anonymous is up there ^ who thinks he’s the greatest President ever (in the panoply of Lincolns, Jeffersons, Roosevelts and Obamas, for gods sake!), it makes me sad that he has pitted American against American in his vainglorious, narcissistic quest to literally destroy a political system that has successfully existed for 235 years. Literally. Not figuratively. Literally. He has made it very clear.
But worthy battles are not easy. We need to keep plugging. I’m still optimistic that Trump will lose and be eventually relegated to the dustbin of history. It can’t happen too soon
John, your view is akin to my own, and why I posted what I did. There comes a time when life is too short to just "phone it in," and in my judgment this is one of those times. It's not a matter of party, but of principle.
DeleteJeff, I was up at 4:00 AM Friday too, but subsequent to the debate, not in anticipation of it. I was horrified at Biden's performance, especially at the beginning when he had the first opportunity to set the tone for himself and the debate. It was abysmal. He set out red meat for Trump and Trump jumped right on it and never let up.
ReplyDeleteA great number of us would vote for a corpse before voting for Trump. However, there were likely some who were looking to be convinced off the fence one way or another. It can't be painted any differently than that Trump had the better night. I still don't believe that he won himself a large swath of voters, but considering the tightness of the race, that may not even be necessary. If enough Biden-leaning voters decide to just stay home, the race could be lost for the Democrats, not only in the presidential race, but down-ballots too. A nightmarish scenario could occur with Republicans winning both houses of congress too. That is the mystery to me. How did we, after an amazing three years of accomplishments from Biden's presidency. come to this?
I wish I had a good answer to your final question, Dave. In fact I wish I had one to any of your questions. The truth is, we're at a Profiles in Courage moment for the Republic, and if the proper courageous choice isn't made once the post-debate polls show what we all expect them to, this moment could well mark the end of the Republic as we know it... and forever taint a career of dedicated public service to a degree far beyond what RBG's decision to hang on to her Scotus position has done to her legacy.