Sunday, January 14, 2024

On the Wings of Angels

 Annamaria on Monday

This week Kate and I are touring Rome.  And I am trying to write this blog on my phone. I am not finding that easy.

Here are some angels for you to look at.  Angels are imaginary creatures, and a lot of human creativity has been invested in what their wings would look like. Here are a bunch of examples of what great artists of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods have imagined.

In the words of the great Kurt Vonnegut: if there are angels, I hope to God they are organized along the lines of the mafia.


  1. Thank you for these lovely photographs and I hope you have a great time in Rome. (& I suspect both angels and the mafia will find that last line as hilarious as I did!)

  2. Thank you, Ovidia! You can’t go wrong quoting Vonnegut.

  3. Since angels are metaphysical and can be wherever they like, visible or invisible, I always wondered what they needed the wings for in the first place. Despite their elegance and beauty in these representations, I doubt angels could actually use them to get off the ground. But then a notable scientist proved that bumblebees wouldn't be able to fly...

    1. Teehee, Michael!! Perhaps, thanks. to their ethereal existence, the angels weigh no more than a bumble bee!?!

  4. Ha! What a gorgeous subject, with a spit take at the end! Perfect start to the day, dear AA! x

    1. Thank you so much, Wendall. I love to look at then. And the human invention and art that goes into such images seems, in itself, like magic to me.

  5. How magnificent their wings are, and so many different colors and patterns! But what about the angel with FOUR wings? That's a first for me!

    1. For me, too, Kim. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos. AA

    2. PS to Kim : I, too, was very surprised by the double winged angel!
