Friday, August 28, 2020

A Prayer for US


My choice tonight—Thursday—is to watch the final night of the Republican National Convention or come up with something that will get my mind off the existential challenges confronting America. 


I wish I had the confidence of the 2000 or so folk gathered tonight on the South Lawn of the White House, bedecked in their celebratory finest, gleefully demonstrating their faithful obedience to those who preach that neither a mask nor social distancing is necessary in our nation’s battle to protect us all from a deadly, crippling pandemic. But I do not, so I chose to write this brief blog instead. May God have mercy on their souls.


I wish I had the power and resources to provide our nation’s first responders with the equipment, supplies, and support they will need to steer their communities and themselves through all that is yet to come.  I have no such power, but someone does. May God have mercy on their souls.


I wish I could watch an NBA playoff game, but they’re on hold for higher purposes as the nation braces for another night of dramatic video coverage of violence begot by violence. May God have mercy on their souls.


I wish I could be there in person to aid those battered by Hurricane Laura, but I can’t…so I’ll donate.  May God have mercy on their souls.


I wish I could move our government to bring purposeful aid and inspiration to the millions whose economic lives and dreams have crashed over the last six months.  But I (alone) cannot. May God have mercy on their souls. 


I wish I could bring our fractured nation together, but I cannot. I wish those who could, now would. May God have mercy on their souls.


May God have mercy on all our souls.





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