Saturday, December 14, 2019

Superstitions of the Greeks


I was reading through the newspapers for something to inspire my Saturday blog, when I came across this final paragraph of a column titled “Real patriotism is dealing with foreign policy responsibly.” 

Everyone may feel bitter about some actions of the other side during the past, but it’s time to let it go. The country has paid for such overreactions. No one is going to offer any apologies. All we should aim for is that the mistakes not be repeated. And for all to understand – and act accordingly – that real patriotism is reflected in the handing of national crises and foreign policy in a sober, responsible and unified manner.

That did not appear in The New York Times or The London Times, but in Athens’ Kathimerini, penned by Tom Ellis, editor-in-chief of its English-language edition. In other words, folks, governments across the western world are scrambling to find their footing amid stridently divisive times.

But I didn’t want to write about any of that.  It brings on bad vibes. Having said that, there are no people I know of more superstitious than the Greeks, and though I don’t consider myself superstitious—but as I'm writing this on Friday the 13th—permit me a moment to say ftou, ftou, ftou, representing the Greek superstition of spitting three times to chase the devil and misfortune away whenever you talk about bad things.

On that segue, I’ve decided to again write about Greek superstitions, many of which are shared in different forms among other world cultures.  Here are some of the basic Greek superstitions, for which I wish to credit the assistance of two websites, The Embassy of Greece and Susie Atsaides

Without question the biggie is the Evil Eye.  In fact, many other Greek superstitions are designed to deal with risks presented by the Evil Eye.  It can strike at any time, and is taken very seriously. Educated, level-headed people believe in it, as does the Greek Orthodox Church (calling it Vaskania), and those with the “gift” for casting it away from those put upon by the Evil Eye are revered.

The process of casting away involves techniques passed down in secret from generation to generation and involves prayers coupled with a lot of yawning by healer and victim.  In these modern days, I’ve seen healers perform the process over cell phones, or respond without any sort of contact with the victim beyond an SMS or email plea for help.

In a nutshell, the Evil Eye can be put on you, your children, your livestock or your fruit trees by anyone who looks at them with envy and praises them.  Envy is the big villain in this.

The number one defense against the Evil Eye is the little blue eyes ormati sold virtually everywhere in Greece.  Greeks drape them around their necks, wrists, rearview mirrors and in myriads of places in their offices and homes. It is the universal protector. All of which is attributed to the color blue that is said to reflect away evil.  I guess that means the eyes now offered for sale in other, “more fashionable” colors leave you open to being much more than just a fashion victim.

Some Greeks go so far as to say to be aware of blue-eyed people offering compliments, for that could be particularly dangerous.  I wonder if that would deter a Greek from the flattery of a Paul Newman look-alike or the baby blues of a modern day Grace Kelly?  Somehow I think they’d simply opt for an extra mati or two and take the risk.:)

Garlic also works to ward off the Evil Eye.  Some carry a clove with them at all times, in their pocket or—as I’ve seen suggested—in their bra.  Garlic, along with onions, is also said to have great healing power if you’re feeling ill—perhaps over losing your shot at Paul and/or Grace to a whiff of your garlic stash.

If you want the evil eye protective quality of the garlic, without the scent, when someone gives you a compliment, mutter skorda (garlic) under your breath and spit on yourself three times. If you want real protection ask the person who gave you the compliment to spit on you too, though that may lead to an immediate reassessment of the person’s original opinion.  A word of caution: some say if a compliment is given to a child in your presence you should spit on the child.  I suggest asking the parents before attempting that kindness.

Another common practice for warding off the Evil Eye is a thorny-spiked cactus close to the front entrance to your home.  Be particularly careful is one if nearby should you choose to spit on someone else’s kid.

Some superstitions offer a conundrum. Bat bones are considered very lucky, but killing a bat (to presumably get the bones) is said to be very bad luck.

Crows, on the other hand are just bad luck period, as omens of bad news, misfortune, and death.  Guess Poe got it right.:)

If a Greek ever asks you for a knife, never hand it directly Put it on the table and let the other pick it up. Otherwise, superstition holds you two will soon be in a fight.

Another sure fight starter is if two people say the same thing at the same time.  Such as “I love Raymond Shaw.”  The only way to avoid an imminent fight is for each to instantly touch whatever red they can find around them (like the Chinese flag) and say piase kokkino (touch red).

And never leave your shoes soles up; it’s very bad luck and even an omen of death.  But don’t fear if it should happen to you some day. Just say skorda (remember, it means garlic) and spit three times for good measure and you’ll be fine.

I understand the skorda whisper technique also works to ward off the bad omen of seeing a priest and black cat on the same day. Some say it whenever they see just the priest.

If you sneeze, that means someone is talking about you and there is a way to figure out whom that is.  Frankly, all I’m interested in knowing at such moments is who has a tissue or Claritin.

Greeks also believe money attracts money, so superstition requires you to never completely empty a purse, pocket, wallet or bank account.  I suspect that one’s being sorely tested these days.

But the superstition that I find most telling about the Greek attitude toward life is how they treat Friday the 13th.  Why ruin an otherwise perfectly good weekend with worries about a Friday of bad luck? So, they pick a day in the middle of the workweek. To Greeks, Tuesday the 13th is the bad luck day…possibly settling on a Tuesday for much for the same reason the US uses it as its election day—to keep the bad news away from spoiling a weekend.

Which brings me to the final superstition I want to talk about today. Salt.  Greeks sprinkle salt in a new house to chase away any lurking evil.  But that’s not the use of salt I find most intriguing.  It is believed that you can get rid of “unwanted human presence” by sprinkling salt behind them.  
These polarized days, I doubt there’s enough salt to go around.

That’s all folks. Ftou, ftou, ftou.
Mati also come as cookies, courtesy of the Sparta (NJ) Public Library


  1. Thanks, Jeff. I now understand the economic crisis in Greece. With so much worrying and spitting going on, who has time to work?

    1. Your point it well taken, oh wise one--ftou, ftou, ftou.

  2. Great blog, Jeff. Oops, I just gave you a compliment.

    1. Thanks for the concern, Tom (and the compliment), but no need to be as I wear a mati (blue) at all times-- as a fashion statement not out of superstition. ftou, ftou, ftou. :)

  3. Whilst living on Naxos, I witnessed the strange quiet "mantra" to counter the evil eye. Seems the days of Apollo and Hercules are not so long ago. But, for me, this Friday 13 saw my son turn a happy healthy 40. My good eyes smile.

  4. Happy birthday to you son in all his glory!! And to proud mommy too, Tottie!

  5. I would hate to see the state of your computer screen, with all that ftou-ftou-ftou-ing going on.

    1. It beats your screen covered in hok-hornie-mush. :)

    2. Okay, how did YOU know there was a line of prostitutes in my den???
