Friday, November 21, 2014


Long Beach

As the others enjoyed themselves on the way to Iceland, I alone soldiered on and suffered the sunshine in San Diego (to see the Tasmanian Devil) and then continued my weary trek onto Vegas where a man wearing only angel wings and white (Scottish ) pants accosted me. I refrained from accepting whatever it was he was offering. If not unlawful in the state of Nevada, it would probably have led to something infectious.

But back to Long Beach and Bouchercon. I’d like to dedicate this blog to ‘Thelma  Straw in Manhattan’, a regular commenter, who wanted one of us to dish the dirt/ report on Boichercon.

My job!

Seriously though, it was genuinely lovely to meet up with the other MIE bloggers.  And especially nice to meet some of those who leave comments. As writers we can sometimes feel our words are thrown into the ether so it’s very touching when folk go out their way to touch base with us – Barbara. Both Barbaras!!

Wee story before the pic parade. I have a ‘look’ at work - scrubs, hair up, specs, tired.  I have an 'author look' – hair down, make up on, dark clothes (never pastel in case folk think I’m nice).  When actually writing, I look like a bag lady - one of my favourite quotes is ‘I look like I’ve crawled up an embankment after a derailment.’
I am encased in dishevilment.  And yes I can make that word up. I am coming to terms with ‘deplane’ (?)  We call it ‘get off’. And beautification (?).  And I was just getting used to ...’alphabetised.’
I’m fair skunnered. :)     

So I was truly heartened when very early one morning (very early, only just past dawn) I stumbled across a fellow crime writer in the street. Or rather they stumbled into me – looking like they too had as 'the derailment' described above.  They were carrying a tray from a take-out (to go) coffee house. The tray had two espressos - one already consumed, the second just started. The coffee was held at nose height, in a donkey/ carrot manner, as an incentive to propel the tired little writer back to the hotel room for a well earned kip before another panel.

They too were transformed  by panel time- smart, cool, calm, professional, entertaining and witty. not a hair out of place.   And they are now poorer as I extracted money in return for my silence as to who it was…….I can keep this to myself as I am now a ‘mystery writer’, and that can be your mystery of the day.

The good news is that book 6 has been received by my publisher with great enthusiasm!  So I’m Boucherconning again next year with my emphasis on the 'conning' - and then to Iceland Noir.
here's the picture gallery...

a small bit of both venues
Alex Sokoloff tries to slap the tartan panel into shape

I think I spy a Barbara

Spying on everybody

don't trust the short one !

our book bundle- it raised a lot of money!

Michael being intelligent

over 65 crime writing men.
that's the number of men
not men who are over 65 who write crime fiction..
(as somebody actually thought)

Stan's turn to be Michael Stanley

just when you need a AK 47!!!

Stan  just out of  shot.
Jeff totally out of shot

A rose between two thorns.
Although it does look like the two ladies are stabbing
the gentleman in the knees with a fork. 

pure vodka

response of local wildlife at one of Jeff's jokes

that was a difficult question

jeff comes up with the answer
apologies to Cara and Stan but the photographer was sitting behind a lady with big hair and only had a good view to the right side of the panel


Caro Ramsay Globe trotting 21 11 2014


  1. I'm so happy you explained that the local wildlife captured by your erstwhile photographer was one of my joke victims, for on first seeing it I feared it was visual evidence of one we all know and love "crawled up an embankment after a derailment."

    Missing you over here in Reykjavik.

  2. Bravo, Annamaria! And on to the next worldwide conference ! Thelma Straw in Manhattan ( no Buffalo snow here yet...)

  3. "Boichercon"? I think you left out a letter, shouldn't that be "Boinchercon"???

    And no, it doesn't look like Jeff has been stabbed in the knees by forks, it looks like he has just felt a hand sliding up each of his thighs... lucky man.

    Thanks for the pics, Caro!

  4. Great Bcon wrap up, Caro. We'll let you handle them from now on. Congrats on Book 6, too! And regarding embankment dishevilement, I couldn't possibly comment.

  5. Jeff between the ladies looks to be in a precarious, but possibly envious, position.

  6. Oops, sorry, Caro - I thought this was written by AnnaMaria!!!! Thelma in Manhattan
