Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Mishmash Mishegas

Or, as translated from the original Greek—isn’t everything originally Greek—an insane, crazy, confused jumble.

That is precisely how one side of my brain feels at the moment.  The other side left several hours ago for Iceland.  Uhh no, sorry, that’s in two weeks.  It caught a train for Long Beach, California and said it’ll catch up with me at Bouchercon.  Hopefully it won’t forget, ‘cause the side it left behind is the one that does the remembering. 

I won’t bore you with what’s led my brain to race for a saner environment, but I’m still befuddled at how it plans on finding sanity at Bouchercon.  Wait until it hits the bar scene for the world’s largest mystery convention.  I sure hope that part is the half-brainer regulating responsible behavior.  Then again, the bar crowd’s a pretty accepting crew, even to my half-brain wit.

Ba da bing. We’ll be here all night. Packing. 

You see, I leave today (Friday) for Long Beach. I have a book signing in Orange County at Book Carnival at 3PM tomorrow (Saturday) and must have my wits together by then.

It will be close if this piece is any indicator of success on that score.

Perhaps what I should do is supply you with links to four articles published by my son in about as many weeks in Men’s Health. He’s the funny Siger, just in case I had to tell you. And he’s been discovered. YES!

No, he’d be embarrassed if I did that; not that such an experience would be new to him where I’m concerned, but I’m trying to improve.

Speaking of improvement, how about those US elections on Tuesday?  I stand by what I wrote last Saturday:  “All issues facing our country [over the next two years] will be subservient to whatever is thought expedient toward gaining or retaining control of The White House.”

Sure hope I’m wrong.  Maybe I should consider entering politics?   If not as a candidate, what about as a political commentator?  Right now I think I’m perfectly qualified for either position.  Not sure I would though after I hook up again with the AWOL missing half of my brain.

So, enjoy this lovely weekend, and when you think about today’s post, just imagine how much worse it could have been had it been one-half of my butt that ran away.

I think I’ll go to my room and lie down now. Or is it lay my remaining half-brain fully down?



  1. Best of luck, Jeff. Half of my brain left for Bouchercon last year and I haven't seen it since...

    Have fun, dammit, all you lucky people who are attending Long Beach. I went round the Queen Mary a few years ago and the statistic about the ship that most stuck in my mind (OK, the *only* statistic that stuck in my mind) was that its gas mileage (fuel economy to us colonials) was 13 feet to the gallon. Raise your glasses to the absent at some point over the weekend. Zxx

  2. Mishegas is the operant word this week for those of us traveling. We will miss you Zoe, but the lucky among us will see you in Iceland!!!!

  3. Just for you, Zoe, I'll go out of my way to check out every [fill in a politically correct choice] for half a brain. It shall be a daunting task, but for you-who-shall-be-sorely-missed I'll do it.

    1. No, that's fine, Jeff, I'm hoping to upgrade to an iBrain :)


  4. You'd never make a politician, Jeff, you have too many scruples. And always remember: it's better to go off half-brained or even half-butted than to go off half-cocked.

    1. If anyone would know about that, EvKa, tis thou. Thank you for the hanging fast ball, in a manner of speaking.

    2. The secret is out: for years, I've been publishing in China a widely read and wildly successful series of novels (about an over-the-hill American major league baseball player who's moved to Beijing and become a private dick) under my nom de plume, Wun Hung Lo. Amongst the local low-lifes, the PI is known as The Bat, a nickname he picked up from the prostitutes he frequents between bases cases.

    3. Uhh, Zoe, I think I found your missing half a brain. Though you may want to continue to do without it. :)

  5. Hmm, I think you may be right, Jeff. In this case, I shall invoke the 10-second rule, as with dropped food -- if it's been on the floor gathering fluff for more than 10 seconds, you probably ought to let the cat eat it ...

    1. Good advice, Zoe. Even if it's marshmallow fluff.

  6. Fun blog entry, Jeff. Some of the best writing comes out of half a brain, in my experience. Have fun at Bouchercon. Wish I could be there.

    1. Thanks, Donis, but hard for me to imagine you doing anything with half a brain. You shall be sorely missed at Bouchercon by all your many fans, including me!
