Friday, December 6, 2024

Mr Brian Bilston

Very few people are familiar with the name Paul Millicheap. Many more are familiar with his pen name Brian Bilston, the British poet and author.

Here’s a few of his poems, just to make you smile.  I love the one about punctuation pedants.

The poem, Refugee, is  one often studied in English in schools.

The next poem is just wonderful...

This one is the favourite of Sarah Frame who runs our local bookshop. There should be an author's version of this...'I read a book of yours, I really liked it.  It had a blue cover. Somebody died.'

And one about .... cheese....

There are a few collections of his poems....

Some people I know are getting this for their Christmas present....

hope you had a  titter,

I think we all need  it these  days,