Scotland should be gearing up for one of the biggest celebrations in the calendar.
But we are not- restricted to three households, no unnecessary travel, no mixing. Not much of anything really.
Scotland should be gearing up for one of the biggest celebrations in the calendar.
But we are not- restricted to three households, no unnecessary travel, no mixing. Not much of anything really.
I dedicate this blog to my friend Peter Rozovsky, who is appropriately scathing about the decline of good language, particularly in newspapers.
Peter Rozovsky |
Over coffee yesterday morning, I said to Michael that I wanted to write a blog on badly written headlines. [I really dislike having to reread a headline, often many times, before I understand what it is trying to say.]
What sparked my comment was a headline that I had just read from the December 29 edition of the Texas News Today (
Both Michael and I decided that what it meant was that the parents of a teenager were charged after he shot and killed his 5-year-old sibling. Of course, one shouldn’t need a discussion to decipher a headline, and we snickered a bit at the poor quality of writing.
For chuckles, I then read the first paragraph of the report. Little did I know where this was going to take me.
Pennsylvania’s 13-year-old parents, who were accused of shooting and killing their 5-year-old brother in November, are now being charged with themselves.
I nearly choked. I never knew that teenage siblings were allowed to marry in Pennsylvania. I guess that the USA is so large that there is always something new and interesting.
And what did it mean to be 'charged with themselves'?
Michael and I then decided that this news report had to be a parody.
However, it wasn’t. The Texas News Today is a real online publication, and this is what it promises its readers:, the pioneer of news sources & operates under the philosophy of keeping its readers informed of what’s happening out there. It strives to be very accurate by leaving no stone unturned as it digs into the heart of every story on the local as well as international level.
Armed with this promise of good journalism, I couldn't wait to read more of the article. Here are some excerpts:
Sarah Garwig and Thomas Wolfe, respectively, endanger the welfare of their children after Connor Wolfe’s death in Penn Hills on November 22, according to a criminal accusation filed by the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office on Fox News Digital on Tuesday. He has been charged with exposing him.
This was also an eye-opener, not only for the confusing writing, but also because I learned for the first time that criminal accusations in Pennsylvania are now filed on Fox News Digital.
WTAE reported that the suspect, who was also accused of possessing firearms by a minor, shot Connor Wolf after being angry with his brother who jumped into a bed in the house. is doing.
By this time, I was getting the distinct impression that didn't employ a copy editor.
While interviewing Thomas Wolfe and Sarah Garwig separately, Thomas admitted that he had left his pistol safely on top of his gun in their ground floor master bedroom. “Thomas uses his pistol as his daily carrying gun when he leaves the house.”
A nice touch - the suspect being able to interview himself! I think I may move to Pennsylvania.
The station added that the teenager said he went into his father’s bedroom to get his father’s firearms to scare his brother. But when the 13-year-old boy pointed his gun at Wolf and triggered it, he said he believed that safety was turned on, according to WTAE.
Wolf was beaten in the head and later died in a local hospital.”
Hmm. I thought that Connor Wolf (or Wolfe) had been shot.
You can read the whole article here. It isn't long.
How could such a mess reach publication stage? I wondered. As I was thinking about that, I noticed a coloured SOURCE LINK. Aha, I exclaimed. The story came from somewhere else. I clicked on the link and was surprised when a Fox News article appeared. The headline was a little different and understandable.
I read the article, which was clearly written and didn't confuse the reader. You can read it here.
So, how did a decent article end up so badly?
Perhaps didn't have the money to use the Fox News article and commissioned one of its own writers to produce a new article based on the Fox News one.
Or perhaps the writer at wanted his name on a piece rather than just using the Fox News article. So he took the original article and rewrote it (tried to rewrite it) and perhaps ran out of time to proofread it.
Whatever the reason, the result is awful.
Any experienced writer knows the moral of this story, namely ALWAYS have someone else, preferably someone who is literate, read what you have written before it goes public. It could spare you a lot of embarrassment.
So now I am compiling a list of bad or awkward or incomprehensible headlines. I will share it next year. Please let me have any you come across.
I wish all Murder is Everywhere readers and bloggers a very healthy, happy, and prosperous 2022. I hope we look back on it with more affection than the current year.
The songs are playing day and night. Some of them are tentative, while others blow the dust off the steep wooden staircase. My son is home from college for the winter holidays and nestled in his third floor bedroom with all his electric guitars--and the amplifiers. The improvisations he makes seem endless.
I felt as if I'd ridden up to the crescendo of a power rock ballad when the first dose of Moderna went into my arm. After the jab, a sweet slide of relief into feeling saved. Yet after the freedoms of late spring and early summer, the Delta variant, and now Omicron, are showing that I can't expect the world to do what I want for it.
I could give up and live in a 'what we lost' world. But there is another choice.
According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the primary meaning of 'improvisation' relates to creations of music, dance and theater. The secondary definition is described as "the act of making or doing something with whatever is available at the time."
I have the privilege of sheltering in a home that I own during this pandemic with the company of family and the support of other good people nearby. Surely that makes it easier to think positive.
And yet, my mind turns to M.F.K. Fisher.
I count Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher, as she was named at birth, as one of my most important spirit guides. The barrier-breaking food writer (1908-1992), began with essays and memoirs in her 20s, when she left California to live in Europe. Fisher spent most of her life melding her literary talent with her affection for cooking and people. Her books make you want to feast and drink fine wines, but the reality is that her life was often excruciating. When her desperately ill husband died by suicide in the 1940s, she stayed in Europe, a single mother with a young child, and no obvious means of support. During this time she was always dancing on the edge of starvation, yet she found ways to feed herself and others, and wrote a hilarious book called How to Cook a Wolf with recipes for living this way that has been rediscovered and comforted yet another generation. As she writes in introduction, “War is a beastly business, it is true, but one proof that we are human is our ability to learn, even from it, how better to exist.” She goes on to say, “It is all a question of weeding out what you yourself like best to do, so that you can live most agreeably in a world full of an increasing number of disagreeable surprises.”
I live agreeably, because I am in an old house that has settled around me over like bedsheets slowly warming. It's an 1897 cedar-shingled summer cottage within a nine-block neighborhood within North Baltimore that was developed in the mid 1890s through the 1920s. This development, Tuxedo Park, adopted the name of an elite community in New York, although my Tuxedo Park always had considerably more plebeian occupants. The plot of land on which the house stands was bought by a woman, most likely because the developers wouldn't sell to her husband because he owned a saloon. Tuxedo Park was just a streetcar ride away from the business life of the city, including the rough-and-tumble harbor and bustling downtown.
It's my suspicion that dreams of outdoor socialization and leisure led to our house's grandest feature, a three-sided wrap-around porch, and two large upstairs porches and several balconies.
I've spent a lot of time writing on the private upstairs porches, but rarely used the wrap-around porch. In fact, I didn't even have furniture for it.
But this spring, I decided to set up the porch like a Victorian lady might have, with plenty of settees, chairs both for dining and lounging and a a variety of tables. Most of the shopping was accomplished from online sources recommended to me by an online designer at Decorist who provided color renderings showing where everything should go--including potted palms. I followed some of her shopping links and went to the crafters at Etsy and my storage room for other pieces--and to the garden for the four old handmade Adirondack chairs.
I wanted plants on the porch, which were part of the design, but I was nervous. I am comfortable with a garden full of native plants. I’ve never kept house plants, which are often exotics, alive for very long. So the first potted plants only arrived because they were gifts from friends. And these plants didn't need much tending; they shot up with new leaves, even with my off-and-on watering.
In midsummer, a neighbor held a moving sale, searching for new owners for the dozens of potted plants that she'd tended lovingly on her building's fire escape. I ambled over to her building with a small wagon and she agreed to sell me everything I wanted--and tossed in a few more plants for free. Gratefully, I wheeled away mature ficus and other friends, large and small, and best of all, already planted in ceramic pots with a soil blend that they liked.
Now that I had an outdoor room, friends came over, singly or in pairs. Sharing some pie and a cup of tea felt as special as the multi-course candlelit dinners of the before times. I arranged a weatherproof dining table and chairs on the east side, which is so pleasant in the evening, especially under the fans. The fans and mosquito lamps were shut off in cooler weather, and the guests dwindled, although a last supper with Minnesota visitors bundled up in coats and hats, was fun. As we sipped mugs of soup and ate corn muffins, I thought maybe…this could happen again on a nice February day.
As summer’s warmth slipped away, I moved the plant family, now numbering 27 souls, from the porch into the house. I took an unused desktop computer off a kitchen table and loaded it with plants, which would get happy sun exposure all afternoon. More plants made a colony in the butler’s pantry with its west-facing windows. To make room, I had to re-home the vacuum and remember to take out the recycling bags--but all things considered, I'd rather look at plants than empty cans and crumpled newspaper.
I dove into the writings and photographs of a modern plant guru (Hilton Carter, who lives in the next neighborhood over!) and followed his directions to make cuttings from the most exuberant plants. Roots slowly grew. I also went into the basement and found old forgotten flower bulbs that had survived a few seasons in paper bags. I've planted the ones that I hope are tulips in the garden, and the ones that are clearly dormant amaryllis in pots indoors.
I also converted a sunroom—which had been a storage room—back into a home for plants. How ironic that the architect's original purpose for the room would finally be restored. I wrote about how this sunny hideaway has nurtured me in a short essay for Femina Magazine. The sunroom is tiny, but it's an utter luxury to have two walls of windows with garden views, and seasonal theater starring birds, squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional fox.
Most evenings, I hunger for an activity that was relaxing, yet doesn't involve the printed word, or a brightly lit screen. About once a week, I settle in a comfortable chair, bringing the lamp closer, and mend. Any sweater with moth bites is fair game, seized as well as pretty pillows that had been ravaged by the dog. The hardest repair project I undertook was my early 1960s fake-fox winter coat. I’d believed its fragile satin lining was irreparable, but I knew I could never find anything like it again. What else could I do but try?
I stitched together ripped seams and patched a hugely frayed section with a colorful scrap of fabric from my last trip to India. As I sewed, I remembered several friends I knew who were sewing masks at the start of the pandemic. I think of sewing, just like baking and gardening, as being quintessential pandemic activities. And I'm unashamed that my patches don't match the fabric. They stand out as memories of fall 2021.
The more I ponder it, the dictionary definition of improvisation seems rather limiting. I. notice that the word ‘improvise’ shares a linguistic connection to ‘improve.’
When Neel makes repeated changes in his playing, he becomes more skilled. Let him be the star. I'm happy enough to have learned to sew patches and grow a plant from a single leaf.
Annamaria on the Second Day of Christmas
We all know, I guess, the carol of The 12 Days of Christmas. There seems to be some confusion about counting those days. I count them starting from the day after Christmas (Boxing Day to you, Brits) and ending with the 6th of January, the Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi. That was always considered the end of the Christmas season for me as a child, since it is the day when Italians traditionally exchanged gifts by following the example of the three kings who brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the child in the manger.
What is making Christmas special for me this year is my relationship with these three women – three generations of precious friends.
When you think of tricks of the trade, it’s hard not to think of close-up magic artists and those who
He did this numerous times, at a fraction of normal speed, and
Jim’s books were full of such tips and tricks. One of the things I love about reading any book is picking up those little snippets of inside information. Any information – it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s something that isn’t obvious, that dispels a commonly held
I recall reading a post years ago in which the writer detailed the sensations and feelings and knowledge that you collect in the filter of your daily life. You might not think it’s the stuff thrillers are made of, but it is. It’s the glue that holds the whole thing together. The aspect that gives a
The bits that make the whole thing ring true.
In the course of my own writing career, I’ve picked up all sorts of obscure knowledge – how to dislocate someone’s shoulder; how to tell if a mirror is
All useful and highly entertaining stuff.
In fact, there was a book that came out about twenty years ago called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. I still have a copy and it contains all kinds of similar information, like how to win a
But all this is pretty esoteric stuff. Most of the time, even in fiction, your characters will be going about their normal daily lives. Even if they’re not a professional alligator
Those tricks of the trade.
And until you think about it, you don’t
There was a long pause, and then she came out with a couple of belters:
“If you don’t want to use slug pellets to keep slugs away from your plants,
“To stop squirrels digging up your crocus bulbs, plant the bulbs with dry holly leaves and
For myself, working as a photographer for years allowed me to come up with one or two interesting factoids of my own:
“If you want to take a soft-focus shot, breathe onto the lens just before you press the shutter. It will clear from the
“Resting the camera on a bag filled with rice or split-peas will take up a surprising amount of vibration and will dramatically reduce camera-shake during action shots. I used to use a bag of pearl barley or dried split peas for all my car-to-car tracking photography to keep it pin-sharp.”
“If you’re taking a female portrait shot in black-and-white rather than
And that led me
“Professional make-up artists heat up mascara before applying it, to give a much fuller effect and increase the even coverage.”
I’ve no idea where that will come in useful, but I’m sure it will somewhere. And, as a motorcyclist, here’s an invaluable one:
“Always carry the metal lid of a jam jar with you on the bike. You never know when you’re going to have to park up on
And as for these others, they were picked up all over the place:
Graphic designers: “If you have a client who is unable to approve a proposed design without putting their stamp on it, just put an obvious error in the proposal – a logo that’s too large, a font that’s too small, or a few judiciously seeded typos. The client requests the change and feels they’ve done their part, and your design, which was perfect all along, sails through to approval.”
In a parking lot: “Improve the range of your car alarm remote control by putting the remote under your chin. It uses the whole of your body as an extension of the antenna.” (Wouldn’t do that too often, though, if I were you …)
Horse owners: “Baby oil works wonders to de-tangle a horse’s knotted tail, without pulling out
In restaurants: “If you’re serious about your food, eat in
For those with a delicate stomach: “Don’t order anything in hollandaise sauce. The delicate emulsion of egg yolks and clarified butter can’t be refrigerated or it will break when spooned over poached eggs. Unfortunately, this lukewarm holding temperature is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. It’s also very likely not only to have been made hours before
“If you’re worried about the hygiene standards in a restaurant, check out the restrooms. If they’re dirty – and those are the bits the customer is allowed to see – imagine what the kitchen’s going to be like, away from public view.”
One for wine buffs: “It’s no longer necessary to allow
Wildlife documentary makers: “If you want to replicate the sound of polar bears rolling around in the snow on your latest documentary, but don’t fancy getting close enough to actually record the real sound, replicate it by scrunching custard powder inside a pair of nylons.” (Seriously, it worked for Sir David Attenborough!)
Car drivers: “If you live somewhere with a very hot climate, always fill your tank on the way to work in the morning, not on the way home. This way, the ground storage tanks will be at a lower temperature so the fuel will be at its densest, giving your more bang for your buck.”
Airline cabin crew: “A fractious infant can be quickly quietened by the addition of a helping of gin in the milk formula.” (Hey, don’t blame me, I’m just reporting what I heard!)
If you’ve got an ant problem, but have pets or small children in the house: “Put down bicarbonate of soda instead. It makes them explode, apparently.”
Cigar smokers: “Don’t dunk the end directly into the flame when lighting the cigar. Rotate the cigar gently above the flame. Do not inhale the smoke, just taste it in your mouth and blow it out. And don’t smoke it too fast, or it will burn hot and ruin the
I should point out at this stage that all the above are comments and snippets picked up from a variety of sources and, should I ever feel inclined to use them in a book, I’d certainly double-check the facts before I used them.
OK, your turn. What little snippets can you pass on from a day-job, past or present? What do you know?
This week’s Word of the Week is legerdemain, which is the
I think of Christmas, I think of traditions. This year I have an
additional memory to treasure on this Christmas Day 2021, for in three days Barbara and I celebrate
our second wedding anniversary, all but two months of which were spent with Covid lurking in the background, Yet, I'm happy to say the bliss continues, undoubtedly attributable to my superb choice of bride. :)
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