I've just come back from Marseille. The Mediteranean city of shutters on pastel buildings, that special light from the sea and boulliabase.
Here's some photos:
That's the Chateau d'If on the island straight ahead - remember the Count of Monte Christo who was imprisoned there? Turns out it never really has been a prison but Dumas took literary license.
And the incredible fish!
And la Caravelle where the real Marseilleise go to eat and where below a scene was filmed from the beginning of the French Connection.
Here's a rowdy bunch in a cafe on the Vieux Port. A flic, a gangster, a member of the film commission, a British diplomat and a postman who I got to hang with. Can you tell which is which? Hint the flic and the gangster (11 years in prison) were collaborating on a screenplay that they were taking to Cannes. Of course.
Tuesday - Cara
The Touch (and Taste, and Feel) of Inspiration
3 hours ago
Even though when I finally got to read your post I'd made it to Mykonos, you just made me long for Marseille. You're just too seductive in your writing!