It’s that funny time, that weird hiatus after pressing the
most stressful button on the computer.
New editor, new
publisher, new type of book, it’s all kind of...well new! After months of
scribbling and writing and stressing, suddenly…nothing.
I start to notice things; there are no clean dishes, one of
children is 6 feet 2 (suddenly!), the dog is fat from not being walked, the frosted glass in the
windows turns out to be clear glass covered in cobwebs… oh and the kitchen ceiling
has fallen in. I confess that I had noticed that last one but I had it on my ‘deal
with it once the book is done’ list.
I used to have a Barbie. I dissected her.
That list is quite extensive. It’s nearly a book on its own.
So I am sailing out in new ventures and happily so.
When I am editing I tend not to sleep. My brain goes into a
mish mash of regurgitation, going over
difficult scenes in my head, practicing dialogue to make sure it sounds real. It can be hard to
switch off, and I need to get up in the
morning for the day job. So I make a point of reading something else – usually
something marvellous – but this time I picked up a ‘first novel’ from someone
who is now extremely famous – a huge best selling person, multi millionaire,
clean socks, good aftershave etc
And it was awful!
Really dreadful. So bad it made me laugh out loud.
The plot
was James Bond meets the A Team with the
cast of Emmanuel Five in supporting roles. I
still can’t tell you what it was about but there was a Russian in there
It has been republished and repackaged. I found a recent interview with him where he said that this novel was the fourth book he wrote, but the first
book that was published. Then added, if you think that was bad, you should
have seen the first three! .. and I would like to. But he made the good point that all
writers need to learn their craft. And now not that many get the chance. It was interesting to see how his talent has developed from those early
Ian Rankin was famously nearly dropped after book 4. It was
book 5 that got to the top of the best sellers. My pal, nominated for a Gold Dagger, left ‘crime ‘at the end of book four to change genre completely,
successfully I may add. But her crime publisher was not interested in a book
five, no matter what kind of book it was.
So now I am in my hiatus. I’m 60 000 words into book 6 and
researching 7. But I need that wee gap
in my head… and the house needs hoovered,
the dog walked, and I need to phone a roofer. Before
that I read the responses to PD James words of wisdom for writers in Red
Herrings… and thought I would add my own.
no not him, that's P Diddy

This is PD!
Because I can.
And I can’t be bothered phoning the builder.
You must be born to write.
Ms James said that you can’t teach people how to use words
effectively and beautifully. Chris Fowler said that curiosity about the world and its people shapes a writer more
and I think I agree with him. Someone with a good imagination can learn the
tools of the trade, learn to find their own voice and you can be the finest wordsmith
in the world but you still need something interesting to say or a good story to
Write about what you know.
Well I don’t, I’ve never murdered
anybody. Pretty sure PD hasn’t either. I
make it up! Fiction is fiction. Do the research about the stuff you don’t
know. As I advise my students, get it written then get it right.
Angela Gils Klocke
Find your own routine.
Very true. Having a full time job means I don’t have time for writers block. Or
housework. If in doubt get on with it. I am a Martini writer. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
Be aware that the business is changing.
I know fellow authors who network relentlessly and hassle editors
and publicity people. One pal got a row
for stalking their publicity person by emailing her too often! I can’t be ar…d
with all that. I write, get the words on
the paper and agree to any events I’m offered. I prepare myself well if I am
asked to do a panel. People get paid to
chose my covers, they know about marketing so I let them get on with it. Or am
I wrong?
Read, write and don’t day dream
Chris Fowler thinks
that this is the worst advice possible.
I think they are both right. It depends on the day dream. Daydreaming in that
creative space, walking the dog while working out a plot point pays dividends.
The day dreaming in that fantasy space where you are being invited for coffee
by George Clooney or you have woken up and are a size 10…. Maybe not so much.
Then it is time to apply bum to seat, pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.
Enjoy your own company , again I can write anywhere, with
any noise (except attack toddlers and lawn mowers, but an attack toddler under
a lawn mower is fine with me). My pal is a chic lit writer and she goes to a five star hotel for a week and lives on room service and champagne
( both feature heavily in her books, so it’s tax deductible) to get the plot right. Then comes homes and
writes it, but she has lots of very
small children and no lawn mower so she probably needs to!
Choose a good setting
I think we all in MIE know the importance of that, murder IS
everywhere, thank goodness. ..
Never go anywhere without a note book.
I don’t ( go anywhere without one), I buy notebooks the way
other women buy shoes, friends stick
ideas on ipads and other swipey screen things that bing and bong, run out of
battery and break when the dog sits on it. Not so with a pen and a bit of
paper. It’s so much more creative and much less
like work. And you can stick the good ideas on your forehead so you don’t forget.
Never talk about a book before its finished.
I do, all the
time. I chat to folk in my writers group,
my patients, various folk who live in my house. The dog. The latter is the best critic.
Book 7 features someone in a coma. I’ve never been in a coma thankfully but was chatting away to a patient who told me
her son in law was in a coma for four
months. She told me a lot. Stuff you don’t get from having a medical degree.
One weird thing was that when he ‘woke up’ he knew what they
had been talking about over his bed. Not specific memory but an osmosis of the daily
detritus of the conversation. Mainly, the
stress had caused his wife to go back on the ciggies. His mum had lost lots of
weight through the stress. The cat
had kittens and all found good homes. And somebody was scoffing all the polo mints. (That was the wife disguising the fact she was smoking) .
Know when to stop.
Maybe writers like PD don’t get a word count to stick to but it does concentrate the mind
somewhat. My new publisher likes shorter
books, so I’ve had to edit and cut and trim. I think it has worked. I hope it
I had ‘blog’ on my to do list, ( I have a special note book
for my To Do list) I can score that off now and phone the builder. It’s going
to snow tomorrow, it will snow through the hole in the roof.
But first I’ll take the dog out, there’s a bit of dialogue
I’m struggling with where the James Bond type character has driven over an
attack toddler in a lawn mower and Mr T ain’t chuffed!
Caro Ramsay GB 31/01/2014