Friday, August 23, 2024

Starry, Starry night

I think this works for writing as well!

We did something new today. We went to an immersive art event.  One friend said it was fabulous and another said it was complete rubbish and a waste of money.

It was quite the thing.

It was a Van Gogh immersive exhibition, basically a walk through a series of pictures and quotes by the great man then into the main hall of the exhibition centre - which is a very large space. Entry was by a very small gap in the 'walls' and there were a few settees and bean bags in a line, on the diagonal of the space. The walls, at that point, were white, fading to cream, then the writing started to appear.

There followed 30-40 minutes of the scene changing, accompanied by classical music which threaded through the Don McLean classic of the starry, starry night. 
This screen cannot capture the effect of being surrounded by sunflowers projected onto the walls, the floor, the back of your hands. 4 metre high portraits stared at the audience, then blinked slowly.
Others sequences were a painting developing from a drawing, to an underpainting, to areas being worked up, to the finished article.

The best bit, of course was when the whole hall was enveloped in the starry, starry night.

(Most) People knew to stay in the middle for the duration. We had booked 10.30 a.m. thinking it would be quiet and it was. Peaceful audience, appreciative, nobody talking, everybody enjoying the experience.

Then a woman decided to bring in her baby....and we left....

The flowers grew out of one painting and swamped the other, to be swamped back in turn.

The entry hall was full of quotes.

The 4 metre high wall, plus the floor, and somebody's errant bean bag.

A huge close up of a star.


Everybody was still in the sitting zone at this bit,  Van Gogh's signatures being written on the wall.

A ghostly voice whispered the quotes, easily heard over the music. 

If you haven't seen it and you get the chance----go!  



  1. Thanks for this review. I had the chance to go to this event and didn't because of someone telling me in so many words, like your friend, that it was rubbish. You make it sound beautiful. If/when it comes around again, I'll go!

  2. I think if it had been busy, the experience might have been....not so good!
