I mean really awful.
The central heating is on and the wood burning stove is burning bright although I confess I can’t actually verify that as the stove itself is obscured by a large pile of cats, dogs, pine martins, polar bears etc.
Believe me, it’s cold. This July has been the wettest ever on record and that is saying something for Scotland.
Then we saw the weather forecast...
Ian Georgson took this picture of a gritter, for the Scotsman newspaper.
We now have snow warnings.
In August.
So I am in cheer up mode. I was going to blog about Scottish politics (which is as depressing as Greek politics but at least they have sunshine.) So I thought I had better warn Jeff that if he is coming to Bloody Scotland and wants to wear a bikini, it should be a fur one. ... with matching wellies and sou’wester.

Anyway, I was reading that witty graffiti is on the way out due to teenagers not roaming the streets at night. Or maybe the weather is just keeping them in. Some graffiti has of course become a legit art form but over the years I have collected a lot of books about graffiti, you know, the clever stuff that is chortlesome.... this kind of stuff...
On a wall in Amsterdam…
Does the Netherlands Royal family suffer from Dutch Realm disease?
Outside a maternity hospital in Paris…
Liberte – Egalite – Fraternite – Maternite
Some more Paris wit (in 1969)…
Je suis Marxiste – Tendance Groucho
These Parisians again…
To do is to be – Roussaeu
To be is to – Sartre
Do be do be do – Sinatra
One of my favourites, written outside a lift at University Collage, Cardiff…
In case of fire do not attempt to use the lifts, – try a fire extinguisher.Whereas the university of Durham has some stellar advice…
Half the girls at this college have TB, the other half have VD, so sleep with a girl who coughs.
And in Hertford...
Watch this space. Why what’s it doing?
Some things don't change. From the Polytechnic of the South Bank, London.
Before the Thatcher Government came to power we were on the edge of an economic precipice – since then we have taken a great step forward -
Outside a social disease clinic
VD is nothing to clap about.

And some true philosophy..
There is no fury like a vested interest in masquerading as a moral principle.
Amd one that made me think of Annamarie… this was sribbled on a wall in the Station of New Yorks finest…
We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Is the grave
of Karl Marx
just another communist plot
just another communist plot
Abstinence is the thin edge of the pledge
On Bristol University Notice Board...
Lecture this evening on schizophrenia. I’ve have
half a mind to go
I’m in two minds also
I’m in two minds also
I’d give might right arm to be ambidextrous.
You can have mine, I’m left handed.
You can have mine, I’m left handed.
On a door in the English Department of English,
Columbia University New York..
Back in a minute
Don’t vote! The government will get in – Oxford
Notice in the music library...
Handel’s organ works
so does mine
so does mine
advertisement for the London Underground showed Henry the Eight buying a ticket
and saying 'Tower Hill, return please.'
And a single for the wife.
And a single for the wife.
I like sadism, necrophilia and bestiality am I flogging a dead horse?
Balliol College Oxford
Tolkien is hobbit forming
In a Cairo hotel..
There are pharaohs at the bottom of our garden
There are pharaohs at the bottom of our garden
And a selection of the usual...
Amnesia rules o…
Einstein rules relatively okay
Dyslexia lures KO
Scots rule
och aye
Have a good weekend all, wherever you are,
Caro 31 07 2015
Have a good weekend all, wherever you are,
Caro 31 07 2015