Monday, August 5, 2024


Annamaria on Monday I havejust spent hours wiritng a blog. This week, it was easier for me to write it in owrkd. It used to be that one couald do that and copy and passte kt, photos and all into blogger. Today, I am no only unable to to so. I can Only paste words, not pictures at all, and when I try to use dictation to save my aching back what I say looks like this. It is now very late. Not only does dictation look strange, everything looks strange. I can't change the type face I can't or the type color as I have always been able to do I believe that artificial intelligence has taken over. I cannot imagine that a human being would be so stupid as to screw up what was already difficult enough and make it even more impossible. Soon, I hope, somebody will fix this. Or I will find hours and hours of spare time to sit around and try to figure out how to use this software to write a blog. But right now I have wasted the four hours that I normally dedicate to writing a blog on a Sunday, trying to make this Difficult process to work. It is now 9:47. I saidthirteen minutes to ten, which was converted into numerics. This is an indication that the artificial intelligence that is now in charge wants to show off so now I'm going to say what the new time is that I am now at. It is 9:49. I suppose it is nice to know that blogger software now can hear words and convert them into numbers, but I would like it better if I could copy and paste my words into this… I have to stop now I'm way too tired. I've wasted hours it in period quite nicel, some of the time. I can't admire it for that either. I guess the only thing I've still want to say is I wonder if all my blog mates have this problem or is it just me. I have been saying negative things about artificial intelligence in my blogs, so maybe this is AI fighting back and torturing me for not loving it. If I could change the size of this type, I would write good night in the largest possible letters. It is now 9:52.


  1. OMG, AA. What a nightmare! I was about to try to mount my Thursday post, but now I'm terrified! Will report back and in the meantime, xxx.

  2. I'm really sorry you're having all these problems. Awful. However, you may be wrong in accusing AI. My experience is that it's human IT people who try to "improve" software, mainly to protect their jobs. I'll have a go and see if I can make it work...

    1. It seems to be working for me, but I always use the blogger interface to insert pictures. I don't know about the dictation issues. I didn't know Blogger had that option although it is supposed to support Voice-In...

    2. You are right, as usual, Michael, about the software engineers. I am found of saying, Shakespeare said, "First kill all the lawyers." I add, " And then jail all the software engineers." Funny thing is that this morning, suddenly, after YEARS of never being able to comment except anonymously, I can suddenly speak as myself. ???

  3. I was just able to input mine, but like Michael, I use the blogger interface and do photos separately. Do you think it's your new Mac OS? I'm using a much older one. . .

    1. Your empathy means so much to me, Wendall. The new Mac os screwed up my computer for a month, including its having to spend a week in intensive care at the Apple Store. Then a guy who came here to install a sound system connected my printer to my computer with a wire, instead of using Wifi. That seems to have fixed a myriad of problems. If I had a wire long enough, I would try to hook up with a wire to the Google headquarters on Eighth Avenue. It's only 1.1 miles away.

    2. Ha! I hardwire everything I can. I just bought a refurbished 2019 iMac just so I could still have an ethernet port. . . Hang in there. xxx

  4. Oh, vey. If you lived on the right side of the continent (which is the left side :-), I'd come over and see if I could help get things sorted. But, then again, I have a hate-hate relationship with Apple, so maybe not... :-( Hoping the nightmare for you is SOON over.

    1. Thank you Everett. I WISH. I have had no choice but to move on. One of the nice things about being a person who takes on too much is that I don't have time to dwell very long on the disappointing stuff. I can growl, but only for short periods of time. the my to-do list offers me other things to do.
