Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Iceland Noir

I am going to seize the opportunity this blog provides me and shamelessly abuse my access to its readers to promote the first Icelandic International Crime Fiction Festival that will be held here this winter. The weekend in question is the 22nd to the 24th November, with the program being focused on the 23rd which is a Saturday and the Friday evening and the Sunday for field trips and sightseeing tours.
The Nordic House in Reykjavík - no Stan, it is not a prison 

The venue is the Nordic House in Reykjavík, a building designed by one of Scandinavia’s best known architect, Alvar Aalto from Finland. The auditorium of this building only accommodates around 100 people so space is limited. The idea has very recently been launched and already we have half the seats gone. Most of the registrations are by foreign nationals that are going to make the trip over to see authors such as Ann Cleaves, Zoe Sharp, Arnaldur Indriðason, Jörn Lier Holst, Ragnar Jónasson, Michael Ridpath, Quentin Bates and yours truly. The full list of authors that will participate in the discussions is still in the pipes but numerous Icelandic crime authors are expected to make a showing as well as some honoured guests from abroad. Any fan of crime fiction is sure to find something interesting to see and do.
The good thing is that the program is free. All you need to do is register and of course get a flight ticket and a hotel room - enough on its own unfortunately. November is a good time to see the Northern Lights, have a traditional Julefrokost on the Saturday evening and sometimes (most times) see some snow. The traditional areas of interest are all accessible at this time but you are certain not to be trampled underfoot by a hoard of tourists. The geysers and the Blue Lagoon for example are much nicer to see in winter than in summer.

The reason I am posting this now and not closer to the event is that it looks as if the event will be sold out – if that is a term one can use for a free event. It you would like to come I recommend registering sooner rather than later, here is a link that will lead you on your way:

Oh, silly me. I forgot to mention the name of the festival: Icelandic Noir

Yrsa - Wednesday


  1. The opportunity of coming to visit the source of all those treats you selflessly smuggle into foreign festivals makes my heart go wildly pitter-pat. Regrettably, Icelandic Noir takes place during the heart of my US tour for my new book or else I'd definitely be there. I know it's going to be a blast!!!

  2. Oh, wow! This will be so great. I'd love to be there!

  3. I can't imagine a much gloomier time of year to do this. It will be awesome!
