Sunday, February 2, 2025

Welcome to Milano

Annamaria on Monday 

Here are some images from the first stop on an art-peeping tour of northern Italy.  My friend Kate and I have been planning this for a year.  She made us a list of most sees.  I am going to do my best to give you lots to enjoy, but I have only my iPad to work with.  

First stop was my addition to the mix: the studio of my friends Lorenzo and Simona Perrone, who turn books into beautiful sculptures

Well folks, things are not going well with my trying to write a blog on an iPad. Just above you see some thing about sculptures made out of books. This blog also deals with the cute idea that one can go through a very important museum and just look around to see how many of the works where one can find wild animals  Another topic I had in mind was all the stairs one has to climb. And how many of the works of art in the museum contain images of people climbing stairs. There are also representations of works of art that I greatly admire, and just wanted to show you.

I am saving some of the photos that I wanted to include for another day, because I just can’t stand how difficult it is to get the images on this page.

So I am leaving it up to you! Take a look at the images below. You figure out which image goes to with which theme.  Oh, and there are two images of the fallen Christ here as well. One of them was to show you how incredibly three-dimensional it appears, and the other to illustrate that it’s really a two dimensional representation.

 Ant way, Thank you for your help. There will be more to come next week.


  1. Incredible, Sis. No need for words--but an elevator maybe. :)

  2. I walked up. But found the elevator to descend. Rally down those steps would be fatal,Bro.

  3. FALLING! Autoincorrect is deaf.

  4. Replies
    1. It’s easy here, Wendall. Point and shoot. More to come next week.
