Monday, March 18, 2019

Was St. Patrick Italian?

Annamaria on Monday

Ordinarily, I write my blog for Monday on Sunday evening.  That's the time and day right now.  But today is my birthday.  So I am giving myself the evening off and for tomorrow putting up a repeat of a blog I wrote under similar circumstances in the past.  Once I click publish, I am going to gussy myself up and go out with friends for a birthday dinner.  In an Italian restaurant.  Because whatever he was, we are certain that St. Patrick was not Irish.

Being of Italian descent, I was on track, as baby girls of my persuasion usually were, to be named after one of my grandmothers.  So I would likely have been called Sabina Maria or Concetta after my maternal and paternal grandmoms. But when I debuted on March 17th, my parents chose Patricia for me.*

* An aside: Annamaria Alfieri is a pen name. 

Having Saint Paddy’s Day as a birthday has a lot of advantages. For one, people don’t forget. When shamrocks show up on supermarket windows and on mirrors behind bars in drinking holes, my friends and family all know my birthday is coming. Also, my day has a color. Green has been my favorite all my life. Luckily it suits me. And these days calling any product or process green is a huge compliment.

Best of all, everyone celebrates. What other birthday but the 4th of July automatically comes with a parade? When I was four years old, my uncle told me the march on Fifth Avenue was in my honor.  Every year, midtown New York fills up with revelers, giving my natal day a special jubilatory flair.

The only drawback for me has been that some Irish people have considered it a travesty that a Sicilian-Neapolitan-American should have chosen “their” day to be born. They think only people like my friend and fellow St. Patrick’s Day birthday holder Terrence Patrick O’Brien deserve to be born on March 17th. In the Catholic school cultural rivalries of my youth, I had to withstand a great deal of resentment—some of it not so benign. My brother Andy and my friend Danny Gubitosa leapt to my defense in a play-yard altercation one March 17th by claiming that St. Patrick was Italian—an assertion that only further enraged my detractors.

According to Wikipedia though, Danny and Andy were right, in a manner of speaking. Paddy was a Romano-Britain, and though the historical details of his life are sketchy, substantiated evidence reveals that as a 16 year old, he was abducted from Britain by Irish raiders and dragged off to Ireland to be a slave—not a very auspicious beginning for a relationship between Saint and faithful fated to endure for millennia. Patrick made it back home, and once ordained as a priest, he returned to Ireland as a missionary and prelate. The Irish still invoke him against snakes and witches.

Coat of Arms, Murcia
Why the following is true I leave you to ponder, but evidently St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated not only in Ireland and the Roman Catholic Archdioceses of New York and of Boston, but also in Nigeria**, Montserrat, Loiza, a small town on the north coast of Puerto Rico, and Murcia, the capital of an Autonomous Community founded by Moors in the southeast of Spain.

**Care to weigh in on this Leye??
My mother always said I was born on a lucky day.  Lots of things about my life have borne that out.  Regular readers of MIE have seen how many wonderful opportunities I have had to travel, and after a long and successful other career, to become what I have always wanted to be--a novelist.   Long and dear friendships have been the most precious of my blessings. And these days I have newer and extraordinarily wonderful friendships that have come to me through my entree into the mystery writing community.  

These are the things I am going out to celebrate!


  1. On my, Sis, I wonder what Mom & Dad would have named you had you been born 15 days later?
