Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November in Paris...

November in Paris turns the leaves brown, pulls the overcoats out of the armoire and puts red cheeks on the toddlers. Streetsellers roast chestnuts on corners, well behaved dogs in restos look up hopeful from under the table for a snack and my friend rolls blankets against the draft under her windows.
Also time for catching Agnés Varda, film director and 'grandmother' of le nouvelle vague cinema,
at her studio on rue Daguerre before the 84 year old rushes off to a film festival.

around the corner from her studio on rue Daguerre is Leo's bookstore

Leo says he's had his bookstore since '84 but won't say from what century. He will buy books by the pound and even sell them to you by the pound.

Also it's time for Emilie, la chat, to be fed.

Cara - Tuesday


  1. I love this post because there is no need for a lot of words, the pictures say it all. From a fan of Cara Black.

  2. Charming pictures, adorable cat, and I would love to get lost in the bookstore-if I could read French :)

  3. So kind of you to say this Emily!
    lil it's a place to squeeze through the aisles past towers of books and pluck out a random treasure Cara

  4. I miss Paris in November. In fact I miss it every month...fear not, I shall not break into song.

  5. Lovely pictures, lovely mood. I've always liked autumn, but more and more, it seems, as I get older.


  6. Now THAT's a bookshop. I always like to visit one where the piles of books threaten to crush you as you browse...
