Saturday, May 18, 2024

Even Zoë was Laughing





Let’s start this off with a sincere bravo to Caro for her Friday post highlighting the inimitable and inspirational Cathy Ace.  Cathy and her husband Geoffrey (grand choice of name, spelling aside) are a gracious engaging couple celebrating their Twentieth Wedding Anniversary on a post-CrimeFest jaunt to Paris. Enjoy!


Now, on to the photo Ms. Ramsay chose to include as the ultimate bit of posting to her blog titled, “Pretty things and body parts.” 


Let’s just say it exemplifies Caro’s extraordinary eye for extracting the macabre from the most unlikely of places.  In this instance from the generally winsome face of the fellow sitting midway among a joyful panel of happy writers exploring how to bring thrills to their work. And yes, that’s Zoë Sharp in the audience, laughing widely.


But enough about this poorly misrepresented fellow. 


It was a blast getting together with so many old friends and finding new ones. That experience is what draws me to mystery festivals and conferences, foreign and domestic.  And no matter where I end up, one thing is universal—so much so that it seems a cliché to restate. But here goes: The crime writing community is unlike any other in the depth of collegial support and encouragement its members offer one another. Competition is rarely at play.


Which is my way of saying, Caro, I forgive you for posting that photo.:)


For the record, though, here are some other ones.






  1. This looks like so much fun. Thanks to you and Caro for the wrap ups.

    1. You'd love it, Wendall...and CrimeFest would love you...and James.

  2. To be fair ( to quote Mr Sears) I was sitting behind somebody with a wide head and lots of hair so had to leap up, snap a pic and sit down again. That's my story your honour!
