Friday, October 18, 2024

A week in Memes


I've just delivered novel 16 or 17 or something.
This was a Halloween fancy dress outfit somebody thought my editor might like to send me.

There was a facebook post asking why Scottish people put everything between two slices of bread.
Because we can.
This is a traditional Scottish lunch-  a piece on mince.
Pieces on  sugar or mayonnaise or salad cream are all acceptable.
Pieces on salt and vinegar crisps are very nice indeed.
The gas man came to service the boiler
 He left this behind.
 He didn't know where he'd left it.
His secretary had to sort it out.
It's still on the front step.
I feel a novel coming on.

We are concerned about the US elections.
I think everybody is.

Using onedrive for the first time, my computer constantly overwrote the new version of the book with the older version of the book.
Technically, I think I have discovered the portal to time travel.

£300 for an Oasis concert?
I'd rather listen to the same chords in the right order with vocals by somebody who can sing. And spell.
So that'll be the Beatles then.

I saw this and thought of Jeff.
Those getting on the flight looked like party people.
The Glasgow flight was at the next gate, looking like people who had already partied.

Along with the advertising executives, telephone sanitizers and 

No faith is without its problems.

Mathilda the staffie is very old- she could be 17, more likely 15. Nobody knows.
This is her approach to a long happy life.
And she has never listened to Oasis- she has sensitive ears.

Being close to Glasgow which is always covered in thick cloud, we didn't see the Northern Lights. the Comet or the supermoon.

And then Alex Salmond died. He was in my house once.
Was after a piece on sausage.

Good job I'm veggie,  I hate the haggis hunting season.

Me thinking about  the chances of me being called as an expert witness and called to be on the jury... on the same day! 

Wee Carry on Sleuthing joke for you.

old dogs can be demanding!

A uncomfortable period between going to greggs for coffee.

and yes, I have a list!

This categorises everybody on social media. 
Except writers of course.

My gran died at 106 and she used this word...a lot!

This might have been written by my editor.

Stan?  Michael?

I did. In art class. And a Miss Piggy in ceramics.

There's one thing with more fury.... that's two Scottish women

Lowest life expectancy in the developed world and we are okay with that.
See meme re mince above.

The wind has been having too much velocity this past week.
It's heading our way on Sunday.
We have danger to life warnings at 30mph winds.

Or just thinking of ways to kill people.
Tie a slinky across the stairs......


  1. What a fab, fun blog! When did you find time to put it together?

    Whay velocity would a person, say a man, need to be travelling to continue to fall down an up escalator? That's the kind of thought that keeps me awake.

  2. The problem with elephants getting out of their cars is that they might step on one of the humans they're watching.

  3. Dear Caro! You have made me laugh so hard that I don't know which joke to comment on; I loved them all. Although maybe "I said "Hippie" was my favorite--but it's hard to say. That would also be my picture of the Northern Lights since we never saw a single ray of green, nor the elusive comet! Oh yes, I, too, had to make ashtrays for MY parents in elementary school, and they didn't even smoke! Thanks for brightening up a very overcast day here in Bern!
